Driving start: 9:30 am CDT, Hampshire, IL
Driving stop: 6:00 pm CDT, Blue Earth, MN
States: IL, WI, MN
Crash pad: Americinn, RM109 (no pets)
Total road time: 8.5 hrs
We made it out of Illinois hitting all the toll booths along i90. Make sure to have lots of small change when driving this route! Hey! EZ-pass works most of the time so far.
We passed a HUGE indoor water park (Gray Wolf Lodge) in Wisconsin which also had an outside water slide feature. I think I spotted an elephant??? We also saw huge signs for cheese. Although K and S are cheese lovers (must be the dutch-ness in them), we zipped through this state.
At the start of Minnesota we stopped to see some of the Mississippi River.
Syd in the playground area of a rest stop in Albert Lea.
We ended the day at Blue Earth, MN, home of the Ho Ho Ho Jolly Green Giant. Current home is Americinn which includes a pool. ahhhh.
We had dinner at the Pizza Hut across from the motel. Not much in the way of restaurants in this town. One of the waitresses was a sweetie. She told us to beware of aliens in the corn and soybean fields.
"Look at that big mirage (one clap) give it a big applause (three claps)" -- Syd