Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Call

Sunday to Tuesday, July 15-17, 2007

We spent our time in Palo Alto running a couple errands, organizing paperwork, visiting with family and friends, but mostly crossing our fingers for a call from the one house rental place we sent an application to.

The thought of finding a home further up the coast started to become appealing as we continued to look at the minimal craigslist listings for new house rental postings in our price range. Maybe, Eureka???

Syd and the grands relaxing in the backyard patio.

Tuesday afternoon we got the call we were awaiting. The owner of the house on 48th Ave and Balboa (Richmond district) was amenable. A deposit was required to secure the place on Wednesday. Yippeee!

Tuesday evening found us heading back to San Francisco to view one more house rental which turned out to be a nice one in the Sunset district. A possible place to go to if the Balboa one falls through. Afterwards, we drove down the curvy section of Lombard Street to meet Syd's uncle Jeff and aunt Margaret for dinner and a sleepover.

Word of the Day: pilgarlic (noun)
Pronunciation: \pil-GAR-lik\
1. a bald head, a bald-headed man
2. a man looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity
(sent to us from Magda)