Driving start: 8:30 am MDT, Idaho Falls, ID
Driving stop: 6:30 pm PDT, Burns, OR *new time zone*
State(s): ID, OR
Crash pad: Days Inn, RM218 (no pets)
Total road time: 11 hrs
On the property of Idaho National Lab (formerly Idaho National Engineering Laboratory). This is the area Keith was taken to for nuclear training (buildings not pictured).
Craters of the Moon National Monument in ID
This guy could have been a candidate for the Darwin Awards at the Spatter Cones.
Snow at the bottom of Spatter Cones.
Boy Scouts Cave, one of many lava caves. Don't forget to take flashlights to see the icicles in these cool caves.
Syd is sworn in as a Craters of the Moon Junior Ranger.
What are Keith and Syd putting into the trailer in Boise, ID?
Arrived to the smell of smoke in the air in Burns, OR. A good thing we stopped because Wildfires closed some of the highway ahead.
Syd's favorite hotel feature.
"1864 - Great must have been the relief of the volcano, powerful the emetic, that poured forth such a mass of black vomit. - Julius Caesar Merrill, Emigrant" --Craters of the Moon blurb