Thursday, March 29, 2007

TKD Trophies

ATF TKD Spring Tournament 2007 Team

Syd's Room

Built-in Bookcase

A Clean Basement

This room is just asking for a ping pong table.

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Sign

Norwalk TKD 2007 Banquet

Sydneys nabs trophies for Best Side Kick, Best Attendance and medal for being on the TKD National Team 2006.

Science Fair: Magnets by Sydney & Claire


Syd with a tasty roasted christmas piggie.

Catching the View

Posing with Auntie Lisa and Ted outside of the defunct Camera Obscura at Santa Monica beach.

Monkey Love

Syd finds a dancing monkey at Santa Monica beach.

Sea Foam

Here's Syd stomping around Ocean Beach in San Francisco last December.

Igorot Princess

Thanks to Syd's Auntie Nita for sending this picture taken last December.